Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: t
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 't%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: to
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'to%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: tor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'tor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-01-2024 07:13
Input to process - c: 7PQCL9HczZ
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7PQCL9HczZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Prova 2 Prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-01-2024 07:13
Input to process - c: 7PQCL9HczZ
Input to process - sstring: pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7PQCL9HczZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Prova 2 Prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: s
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 's%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: sa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'sa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: san
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'san%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: sant
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'sant%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: santi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: santin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: santini
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24
Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD
Input to process - sstring: spara
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'spara%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
sparacino alessio
sparacino christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24
Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD
Input to process - sstring: sparac
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparac%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
sparacino alessio
sparacino christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24
Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD
Input to process - sstring: sparaci
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparaci%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
sparacino alessio
sparacino christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24
Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD
Input to process - sstring: sparacin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparacin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
sparacino alessio
sparacino christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24
Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD
Input to process - sstring: sparacino
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparacino%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
sparacino alessio
sparacino christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Roussafi Moaad
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: ra
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'ra%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: raio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'raio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a
Input to process - sstring: raio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'raio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CEN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CEN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CENT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CENTR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENTR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CENTRA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENTRA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2024 10:18
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: E
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'E%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: EL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: ELI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'ELI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: Elisa.Barban
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'Elisa.Barban%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: EL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: ELI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'ELI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: EL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: E
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'E%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Barban Elisa
Belleri Giulia
Bianchi Umberto
Borra Giulia
Bozzato Emanuela
Buceza Ermal
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: BA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Barban Elisa
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: BAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Barban Elisa
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: BARBA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BARBA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Barban Elisa
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44
Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3
Input to process - sstring: BARBAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BARBAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Barban Elisa
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPPA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ST
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LAT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LAT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ST
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPPA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: STROPPA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: Pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: Prov
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Prov%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: Prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 13:48
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Giampaoletti Gianni
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 13:49
Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM
Input to process - sstring: Giampaoletti Gianni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Giampaoletti Gianni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:35
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: doda
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'doda%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: dod
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'dod%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: DO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: DOD
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DOD%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: DODA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DODA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:07
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fiorucci Fabrizio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:07
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: fa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fiorucci Fabrizio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: fa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fiorucci Fabrizio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:09
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: Fiorucci Fabrizio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fiorucci Fabrizio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:09
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fiorucci Fabrizio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:17
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: Fiorucci Fabrizio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fiorucci Fabrizio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:17
Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agnoli Antonella
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova prova
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: pro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'pro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova prova
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prov
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prov%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova prova
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova prova
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova prova
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova pro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova pro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19
Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS
Input to process - sstring: prova prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-02-2024 12:31
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Balboni Federico
Balboni Martina
Benasi Viola
Benasi Sofia
Benelbachar Kawtar
Bergamaschi Alice
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: be
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Benasi Viola
Benasi Sofia
Benelbachar Kawtar
Bergamaschi Alice
Bergamini Margherita
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: bea
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: be
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Benasi Viola
Benasi Sofia
Benelbachar Kawtar
Bergamaschi Alice
Bergamini Margherita
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: bea
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: beat
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beat%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: beatr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beatr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: beat
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beat%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: bea
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: be
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Benasi Viola
Benasi Sofia
Benelbachar Kawtar
Bergamaschi Alice
Bergamini Margherita
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Balboni Federico
Balboni Martina
Benasi Viola
Benasi Sofia
Benelbachar Kawtar
Bergamaschi Alice
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Malagoli Beatrice
Malavasi Emy
Malavasi Emy
Mandello Aicha
Mantovani Arianna
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Malagoli Beatrice
Malavasi Emy
Malavasi Emy
Mandello Aicha
Mantovani Arianna
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58
Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe
Input to process - sstring: gi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Gibertoni Emilia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58
Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe
Input to process - sstring: gi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Gibertoni Emilia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58
Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe
Input to process - sstring: gib
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gib%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Gibertoni Emilia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pez
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pez%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezz
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezze
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezze%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezzett
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezzett%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezzetta
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezzetta%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezze
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezze%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezz
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pez
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pez%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: 5
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '5%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: 555555559
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '555555559%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: 555555559
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '555555559%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PEZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PEZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PEZZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PEZZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-02-2024 19:04
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 21-02-2024 06:02
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 21-02-2024 17:53
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 25-02-2024 12:23
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 29-02-2024 18:35
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: dod
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'dod%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: doda
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'doda%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-03-2024 08:40
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 11-03-2024 20:50
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 11-03-2024 20:54
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 03:23
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: bi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: bio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: bion
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bion%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: biond
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'biond%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47
Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6
Input to process - sstring: biondi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'biondi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Da
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Dav
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Dav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: David
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'David%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide Pi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide Pin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Davide Pini
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pini
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pini
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Pini Sergio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Pini Sergio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Pini Sergio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33
Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8
Input to process - sstring: Pini
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pini Leonardo
Pini Davide
Pini Sergio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 15:21
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 21:56
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 22:50
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 28-03-2024 05:30
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 28-03-2024 06:56
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: maripo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'maripo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Mari
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mari%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Mario
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mario%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Mario
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mario%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Mari
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mari%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: R
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'R%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Mario
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Ros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Mario
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Ross
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ross%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Mario
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Fl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav Flavio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Flavio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav Flavio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Flavio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav Fl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Fl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06
Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo
Input to process - sstring: Flav
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Flav Flavio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-04-2024 13:19
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 25-04-2024 18:20
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 27-04-2024 12:10
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 27-04-2024 18:49
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 00:20
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 00:36
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 07:59
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Potenza Luigi
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: poten
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'poten%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Potenza Luigi
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: potenza
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'potenza%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Potenza Luigi
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: Potenza Luigi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'Potenza Luigi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pasotti Andrea
Potenza Luigi
Primerano Simone
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Potenza Luigi
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: pot
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'pot%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Potenza Luigi
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: paolo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'paolo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mori Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: mo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mori Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: mor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mori Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3
Input to process - sstring: mori
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mori%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mori Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-05-2024 15:38
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 10-05-2024 00:03
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 10-05-2024 06:42
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 13-05-2024 06:32
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 13-05-2024 09:32
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 15-05-2024 20:16
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 17-05-2024 05:47
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 19-05-2024 09:19
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 22-05-2024 02:05
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 27-05-2024 20:00
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 28-05-2024 15:54
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 03-06-2024 00:31
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 04-06-2024 03:35
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 05-06-2024 02:09
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: w
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'w%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: wil
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wil%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: wille
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wille%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: willei
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'willei%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: willeit
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'willeit%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-06-2024 04:31
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 09-06-2024 04:49
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 09-06-2024 21:46
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: feo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: feol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: feola
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: man
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'man%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: manz
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: manzu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: manzul
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzul%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: manzull
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzull%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: manzullo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzullo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
manzullo lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 14-06-2024 20:18
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 09:35
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Berloffa Alan
Bortoli Laura
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: bo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Bortoli Laura
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Berloffa Alan
Bortoli Laura
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: be
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Berloffa Alan
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: Berloffa Alan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Berloffa Alan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: Berloffa Alan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Berloffa Alan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Berloffa Alan
Bortoli Laura
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36
Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo
Input to process - sstring: bo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Bortoli Laura
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 16:27
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 19-06-2024 10:06
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 19-06-2024 11:14
Input to process - c: G3qm9fKTCk
Input to process - sstring: Chiagano Alessandro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='G3qm9fKTCk' AND Cognome LIKE 'Chiagano Alessandro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: ag
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'ag%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavalli Gabriele
Costa Carlo Alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: cava
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'cava%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavalli Gabriele
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: caval
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'caval%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavalli Gabriele
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06
Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c
Input to process - sstring: cavall
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'cavall%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavalli Gabriele
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 14:47
Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC
Input to process - sstring: N
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Napoli Mariaelena
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 14:47
Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC
Input to process - sstring: Napoli
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Napoli%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Napoli Mariaelena
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 15:20
Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC
Input to process - sstring: Dan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Dan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Danese Katia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 15:51
Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC
Input to process - sstring: Danes
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Danes%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Danese Katia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-07-2024 06:40
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 02-07-2024 22:43
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 04-07-2024 21:21
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Accorsi Ginevra
Aleotti Giada
Aleotti Emma
Aleotti Emily
Alvisi Carlotta
andronic any
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-07-2024 21:21
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: al
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'al%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Aleotti Giada
Aleotti Emma
Aleotti Emily
Alvisi Carlotta
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-07-2024 21:21
Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi
Input to process - sstring: ale
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'ale%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Aleotti Giada
Aleotti Emma
Aleotti Emily
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-07-2024 02:06
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 12-07-2024 08:40
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 13-07-2024 12:12
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 13-07-2024 15:09
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 17-07-2024 12:14
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: FEOLA SAMUELE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'FEOLA SAMUELE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: FEOLA SAMUELE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'FEOLA SAMUELE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: FE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'FE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: FEO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'FEO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 00:04
Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF
Input to process - sstring: FEOL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'FEOL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 07:31
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-07-2024 16:17
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rola
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rola
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rolan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rolan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: roland
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'roland%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rolando
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rolando%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ROLANDO FELICI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ROLANDO FELICI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: pe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ped
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ped%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:33
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: pedr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'pedr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:34
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 12:34
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rola
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rolan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rolan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: roland
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'roland%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: rolando
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'rolando%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 20-07-2024 15:29
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ROLANDO FELICI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ROLANDO FELICI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-07-2024 23:39
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: Willeit Francesco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Willeit Francesco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-07-2024 23:40
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: w
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'w%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
willeit francesco
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-07-2024 23:40
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: wi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
willeit francesco
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-07-2024 23:40
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: wil
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wil%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
willeit francesco
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-07-2024 23:40
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: will
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'will%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
willeit francesco
Willeit Christian
Willeit Christian
Willeit Francesco
willeit francesco
willeit francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: v
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'v%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: va
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'va%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: val
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'val%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: va
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'va%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: va
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'va%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valen
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valen%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valenit
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valenit%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valenit
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valenit%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valeni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valeni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valen
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valen%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valenti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valenti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valenti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valenti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valentina
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valentina%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valentina
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valentina%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: valentina
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'valentina%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: gi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:22
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: giro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'giro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:35
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:35
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:35
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:38
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:38
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:38
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:54
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:54
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:54
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-07-2024 11:54
Input to process - c: YCNAA1vcWt
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='YCNAA1vcWt' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:35
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:35
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: al
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'al%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:35
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ales
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ales%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:35
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: aless
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'aless%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: alessia
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'alessia%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: car
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'car%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: carr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'carr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 09:36
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: carre
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'carre%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 10:02
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Mars
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mars%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARSO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARSO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARSO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARSO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARSON
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARSON%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 13:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Marson Aurora
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CARR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CARR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-07-2024 14:09
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CARRER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CARRER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-07-2024 12:57
Input to process - c: 5OvKBLCgCZ
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='5OvKBLCgCZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pellegrino Lara
Pochettino Souza Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-07-2024 12:57
Input to process - c: 5OvKBLCgCZ
Input to process - sstring: po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='5OvKBLCgCZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pochettino Souza Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-08-2024 12:37
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 03-08-2024 12:43
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 03-08-2024 12:45
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 03-08-2024 12:47
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 04-08-2024 08:26
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 05-08-2024 09:44
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-08-2024 09:44
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: GIR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-08-2024 09:44
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: GIRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'GIRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-08-2024 11:47
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 08-08-2024 16:36
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-08-2024 16:36
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-08-2024 16:36
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: ROLANDO FELICI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'ROLANDO FELICI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 09-08-2024 05:42
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: le
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'le%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: leo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'leo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: leona
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'leona%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: leonar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'leonar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
campisi luca
campisi leonardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
campisi luca
campisi leonardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: cam
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'cam%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
campisi luca
campisi leonardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-08-2024 19:59
Input to process - c: qe9vwxeqx4
Input to process - sstring: camp
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qe9vwxeqx4' AND Cognome LIKE 'camp%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
campisi luca
campisi leonardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 14-08-2024 10:55
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 17-08-2024 14:59
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-08-2024 13:22
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-08-2024 13:23
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-08-2024 13:24
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-08-2024 13:27
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 15:02
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: PR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'PR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: PRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'PRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: PROV
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'PROV%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: PROVA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'PROVA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: Z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'Z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:39
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:40
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI VALENTINO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI VALENTINO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:40
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI CLAUDIO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI CLAUDIO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:43
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: Z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'Z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:43
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:43
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI VALENTINO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI VALENTINO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: Z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'Z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANON
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANON%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.V
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.V%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.VA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.VA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.VAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.VAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.VALE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.VALE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.VALENTIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.VALENTIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-08-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: crjipPsbtd
Input to process - sstring: ZANONI.VALENTINO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='crjipPsbtd' AND Cognome LIKE 'ZANONI.VALENTINO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 21-08-2024 18:04
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-08-2024 18:04
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 21-08-2024 18:04
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: coste
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'coste%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: I
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'I%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: IN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'IN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INF
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INF%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGEN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGEN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE U
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE U%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UND
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UND%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UNDE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UNDE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER1
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER1%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-08-2024 10:03
Input to process - c: yAesWKT2DI
Input to process - sstring: INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER12
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yAesWKT2DI' AND Cognome LIKE 'INFO DIRIGENTE UNDER12%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-08-2024 07:49
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:28
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:28
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:28
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:28
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MAD
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAD%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MADDAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MADDAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MADDALEN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MADDALEN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CARN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CARN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CARNE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CARNE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-08-2024 11:29
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CARNE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CARNE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BERL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BERL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BERLA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BERLA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BERLAT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BERLAT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 09:10
Input to process - c: bQ5FK0Ap0K
Input to process - sstring: BERLATO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='bQ5FK0Ap0K' AND Cognome LIKE 'BERLATO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: rom
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'rom%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: roma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'roma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-08-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: furl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'furl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: za
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'za%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Zanon Filippo
Zanon Edoardo
Zarola Lorenzo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: zan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'zan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Zanon Filippo
Zanon Edoardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: zano
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'zano%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Zanon Filippo
Zanon Edoardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: zanon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'zanon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Zanon Filippo
Zanon Edoardo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rodolfi Giovanni
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rodolfi Giovanni
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: ros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: ross
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ross%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:19
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: rosso
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'rosso%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:30
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: Rosso Mauro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Rosso Mauro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:30
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: Rosso Mauro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Rosso Mauro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:30
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: Zanon Edoardo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Zanon Edoardo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:30
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rodolfi Giovanni
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-08-2024 16:30
Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rodolfi Giovanni
Rosso Mauro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Gi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Giu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Giu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Gius
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Gius%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Giu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Giu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Gi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mascarin Giulia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Mas
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mas%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mascarin Giulia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:37
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Masca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Masca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mascarin Giulia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MAS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-08-2024 08:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MASC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MASC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-09-2024 12:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-09-2024 12:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Bi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Bi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-09-2024 12:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Bin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Bin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-09-2024 12:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: Binc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'Binc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 13:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 13:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 13:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FRA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FRA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: aur
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'aur%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: auror
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'auror%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: auror
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'auror%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: be
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: beg
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'beg%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: begg
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'begg%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ce
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ce%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ces
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ces%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cesa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cesa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: crosa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'crosa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d' ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd' ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascan
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d0
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd0%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'as
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'as%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 02-09-2024 21:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'asca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'asca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 03-09-2024 09:46
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zuc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zuc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zuccob
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zuccob%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:01
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zucco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zucco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: sant
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'sant%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: aa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'aa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 18:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BELLO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BELLO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:22
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:22
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:22
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:22
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARSO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARSO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:22
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MARSON
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MARSON%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DAL BEN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL BEN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: PR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'PR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: PE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'PE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: PERSON
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'PERSON%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-09-2024 20:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: PERSONALE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'PERSONALE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-09-2024 15:46
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: v
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'v%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Vallefuoco Teresa
Varriale Francesco
Vecchione Miriam
Ventriglia Greta
Vese Alessandra
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-09-2024 15:46
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: vi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'vi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Vitulli Ilaria
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-09-2024 15:46
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: vis
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'vis%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 05-09-2024 15:46
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: visco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'visco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-09-2024 11:13
Input to process - c: nOHhA6l7B2
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='nOHhA6l7B2' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-09-2024 11:13
Input to process - c: nOHhA6l7B2
Input to process - sstring: ros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='nOHhA6l7B2' AND Cognome LIKE 'ros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-09-2024 11:13
Input to process - c: nOHhA6l7B2
Input to process - sstring: ross
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='nOHhA6l7B2' AND Cognome LIKE 'ross%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-09-2024 11:13
Input to process - c: nOHhA6l7B2
Input to process - sstring: rossi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='nOHhA6l7B2' AND Cognome LIKE 'rossi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Rossi Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 09-09-2024 20:13
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 08:05
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mic
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mic%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mich
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mich%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: miche
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'miche%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mich
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mich%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: caso
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'caso%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: casona
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'casona%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: casonato
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'casonato%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: casonato
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'casonato%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:56
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: car
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'car%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:57
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: o
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'o%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:57
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:57
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: oli
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'oli%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:57
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: oliv
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'oliv%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fur
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fur%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 18:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fur
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fur%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: don
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'don%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: don
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'don%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: donè
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'donè%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 21:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 21:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-09-2024 21:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PED
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PED%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: g
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'g%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ge
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ge%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ger
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ger%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: o
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'o%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: oliva
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'oliva%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: olivat
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'olivat%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-09-2024 08:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: olivato
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'olivato%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: an
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'an%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: an
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'an%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: anna
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'anna%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: anna
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'anna%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cate
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cate%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: catel
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'catel%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-09-2024 09:13
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: catell
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'catell%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 13-09-2024 08:51
Input to process - c: te2C66pkqe
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='te2C66pkqe' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-09-2024 17:03
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bel
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bel%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bel
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bel%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bellot
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bellot%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bellotto
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bellotto%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: R
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'R%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZET
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZET%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZETTO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZETTO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:30
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZETTO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZETTO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOF
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOF%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFIS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFIS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOF
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOF%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFIS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFIS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOFI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOFI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SOF
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SOF%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: SO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'SO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LOR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LOR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LOREN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LOREN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORENZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORENZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORENZO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORENZO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-09-2024 09:31
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORENZON
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORENZON%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mig
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mig%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: migl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'migl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: migli
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'migli%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:20
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mig
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mig%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: migl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'migl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: migli
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'migli%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: miglia
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'miglia%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: migliar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'migliar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:21
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI AN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI AN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PET
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PET%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI PA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI PA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI PAO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI PAO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI PAOL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI PAOL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PETRINI PAOLO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PETRINI PAOLO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: AR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'AR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ARM
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ARM%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ARME
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ARME%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ARMEZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ARMEZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ARMEZZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ARMEZZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:37
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:37
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:37
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:45
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:45
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: AN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'AN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:45
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ANT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ANT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:45
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ANTO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ANTO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI AN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI AN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI ANN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI ANN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI AN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI AN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 18:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MIGLIARINI ANNA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MIGLIARINI ANNA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: bi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'bi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: bio
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'bio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: bioc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'bioc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:51
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: biocc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'biocc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLV
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLV%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLVER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLVER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLVER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLVER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLVERI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLVERI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLVERIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLVERIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: POLVERINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLVERINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PLO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PLO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-09-2024 20:58
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:04
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:04
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prp
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prp%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prpv
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prpv%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prpva
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prpva%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prpv
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prpv%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prp
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prp%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: pr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: pro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'pro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prov
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prov%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prova2
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova2%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 19-09-2024 12:05
Input to process - c: otUVIioTys
Input to process - sstring: prova
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='otUVIioTys' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
prova 2 prova 2
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 20-09-2024 19:47
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: n
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'n%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ne
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ne%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: neg
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'neg%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: negr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'negr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: poll
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'poll%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-09-2024 08:14
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pollo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pollo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: s
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 's%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: sa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'sa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: san
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'san%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 10:12
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: zul
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'zul%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: Visconti Francesco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Visconti Francesco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: Visconti Francesco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'Visconti Francesco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-09-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mallardo Giovanna
Manganiello Gabriele
Mariano Nicole
Marigliano Francesca
Marino Asia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 16:48
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Baiano Maria Rosaria
Barbaro Andrea
Bertini Eva
Bita Alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 16:48
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: bo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Borrelli Maria Rosaria
Botta Sara
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 16:48
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: bor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'bor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Borrelli Maria Rosaria
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 16:48
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: borr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'borr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Borrelli Maria Rosaria
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:19
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
D'Alessandro Matteo
D'Alessandro Davide
D'Alessandro Sofia
D'Alessandro Emmanuele
D'Angelo Christian
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:19
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: DI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'DI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Di Bernardo Cristina
Di Costanzo Alyssa
Di Costanzo Eva
Di Lauro Cinzia
Di Maio Denise
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:19
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: DI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'DI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Di Bernardo Cristina
Di Costanzo Alyssa
Di Costanzo Eva
Di Lauro Cinzia
Di Maio Denise
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:19
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: DI MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'DI MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Di Maio Denise
Di Marzo Francesca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mallardo Giovanna
Manganiello Gabriele
Mariano Nicole
Marigliano Francesca
Marino Asia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ME
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ME%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MELLU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MELLU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ME
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ME%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:22
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mallardo Giovanna
Manganiello Gabriele
Mariano Nicole
Marigliano Francesca
Marino Asia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mallardo Giovanna
Manganiello Gabriele
Mariano Nicole
Marigliano Francesca
Marino Asia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ME
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ME%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Melcarne Fabio
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 18:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mellone Luca
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 19:18
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: CAV
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAV%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavallo Giuseppe
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 19:18
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: CAVA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAVA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cavallo Giuseppe
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 19:40
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: GUARI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'GUARI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 19:40
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: GUARIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'GUARIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-09-2024 19:40
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: GUARINO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'GUARINO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: crosa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'crosa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:17
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CROSARIOL SARA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CROSARIOL SARA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CROSARIOL SARA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CROSARIOL SARA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cros
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: crosa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'crosa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: crosar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'crosar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ba
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ba%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:18
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: barr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'barr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:19
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:19
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:19
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 26-09-2024 14:19
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mars
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mars%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 17:55
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Mallardo Giovanna
Manganiello Gabriele
Mariano Nicole
Marigliano Francesca
Marino Asia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 17:55
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Moreschi Antonio
Morra Giovanni
Morrone Alessandra
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 17:55
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MOR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MOR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Moreschi Antonio
Morra Giovanni
Morrone Alessandra
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 17:55
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: MORR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'MORR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Morra Giovanni
Morrone Alessandra
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ES
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ES%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Esposito Julia
Esposito Asia
Esposito Luigi
Esposito Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ESP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ESP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Esposito Julia
Esposito Asia
Esposito Luigi
Esposito Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 27-09-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ESPO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ESPO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Esposito Julia
Esposito Asia
Esposito Luigi
Esposito Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cacciapuoti Matteo
Cafaro Massimiliano
Caiazza Vincenzo
Cajafa Matteo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Comparetti Giorgia
Coppola Camila
Corsa Chiara
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: cop
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'cop%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Coppola Camila
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:24
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: copp
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'copp%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Coppola Camila
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:28
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: fa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fasciglione Flavia
fasulo fabrizio
Fasulo Flavia
Fasulo Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:28
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: fa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Fasciglione Flavia
fasulo fabrizio
Fasulo Flavia
Fasulo Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-09-2024 12:28
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: fasu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'fasu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
fasulo fabrizio
Fasulo Flavia
Fasulo Andrea
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 11:21
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 11:21
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 11:21
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: rom
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'rom%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: v
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'v%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Vallefuoco Teresa
Varriale Francesco
Vecchione Miriam
Ventriglia Greta
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: vi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'vi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Vitulli Ilaria
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: vis
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'vis%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: visc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'visc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:00
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: visco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'visco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Visconti Francesco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:05
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ve
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 've%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Vecchione Miriam
Ventriglia Greta
Vese Alessandra
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:05
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ven
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ven%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Ventriglia Greta
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:05
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ventr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ventr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Ventriglia Greta
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:05
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ventri
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ventri%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Ventriglia Greta
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:09
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: mols
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'mols%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:09
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: mol
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'mol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:09
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: mola
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'mola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Reppucci Daniele
Reppucci Angelo
Riccio Luca
Rinaldi Domenico
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: rug
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'rug%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Ruggiero Riccardo
Ruggiero Miriam
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: aqrICuZxOL
Input to process - sstring: ruggi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='aqrICuZxOL' AND Cognome LIKE 'ruggi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Ruggiero Riccardo
Ruggiero Miriam
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 30-09-2024 20:32
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: TOBIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'TOBIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FURLANIS SILVIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FURLANIS SILVIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fur
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fur%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: furl
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'furl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: da
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: dal
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'dal%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: dal
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'dal%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: dal b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'dal b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ce
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ce%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:41
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ces
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ces%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cesa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cesa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pinn
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pinn%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 01-10-2024 11:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: dr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'dr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ci
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ci%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: cia
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'cia%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: FE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'FE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: FER
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'FER%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 19:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: FERR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'FERR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CAR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: F
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FUR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FUR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: FURL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'FURL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: R
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'R%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RIZZ
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RIZZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: PO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'PO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: POL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'POL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-10-2024 20:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: POLL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'POLL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: bas
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'bas%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: ba
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'ba%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Arrigoni Carola
Arrigoni Massimiliano
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: agos
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'agos%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: agost
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'agost%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: AGOSTA GIOVANNI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'AGOSTA GIOVANNI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Arrigoni Carola
Arrigoni Massimiliano
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: ag
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'ag%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 18:08
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: agos
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'agos%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Agosta Giovanni
Agosta Giorgia
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-10-2024 23:20
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: man
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'man%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mang
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mang%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mango
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mango%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: mang
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'mang%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: man
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'man%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MANG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MANG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:23
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MANGO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MANGO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: N
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAPA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAPA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAPAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAPAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAPALT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAPALT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CAPALTI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAPALTI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SUL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SUL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:26
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SULP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SULP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: n
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'n%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: nig
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'nig%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: nigr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'nigr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: nigro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'nigro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: nigro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'nigro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: n
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'n%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: N
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO LU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO LU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO LUC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO LUC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO LUCA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO LUCA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: N
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO LUCA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO LUCA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: N
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GIU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GIU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GIUS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GIUS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GIUSE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GIUSE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GIUSEPP
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GIUSEPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 13:42
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO GIUSEPPE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO GIUSEPPE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: T
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'T%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: TE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'TE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: TES
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'TES%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: TEST
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'TEST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-10-2024 20:52
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: TESTA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'TESTA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Cassarino Carmelinda
Cerniglia Giulio
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Cam
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Cam%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Cam
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Cam%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Campe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Campe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Campe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Campe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Campet
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Campet%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Campetti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Campetti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 13:10
Input to process - c: zQO8KjAEIw
Input to process - sstring: Campetti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='zQO8KjAEIw' AND Cognome LIKE 'Campetti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: an
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'an%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ang
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ang%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: an
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'an%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:58
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BIAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BIAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 15:59
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: BIANC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'BIANC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: R
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'R%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RAC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RAC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 08-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: RACH
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'RACH%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: a
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: an
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'an%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ant
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ant%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: anto
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'anto%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: antoi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'antoi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:24
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: antoin
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'antoin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: antoine
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'antoine%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: n
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'n%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: nig
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'nig%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 07:25
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: NIGRO LEONARDO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'NIGRO LEONARDO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCIO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCIO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCION
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCION%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCIONI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCIONI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCION
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCION%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCIO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCIO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANCI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANCI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LANC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LANC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 13:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pez
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pez%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: pezz
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: PEZZETTA TIZIANO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PEZZETTA TIZIANO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 10-10-2024 20:53
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MOG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MOG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 11-10-2024 17:56
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LAT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LAT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI DU
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI DU%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI DE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI DE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI DEG
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI DEG%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 12-10-2024 17:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: LATINI DEGO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI DEGO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 13-10-2024 07:53
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:49
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:49
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mic
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mic%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:49
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mich
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mich%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:49
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: MICHIELIN ELENA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'MICHIELIN ELENA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: mic
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'mic%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: car
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'car%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: coste
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'coste%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: COSTELLA JESSICA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'COSTELLA JESSICA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cos
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cos%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: g
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'g%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ge
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ge%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 07:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: gera
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'gera%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 11:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: n
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'n%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 11:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ne
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ne%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 11:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: neg
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'neg%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SANTIN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SANTIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SANTINI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SANTINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 15-10-2024 18:44
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: SANTINI ROBERTO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SANTINI ROBERTO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fer
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fer%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fer
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fer%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 16-10-2024 19:00
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: C
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'C%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CAT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CAT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CATE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CATE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CATEL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CATEL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: CATELL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'CATELL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: G
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: GO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'GO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: GOB
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'GOB%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 17-10-2024 10:27
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: GOBB
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'GOBB%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 18-10-2024 12:02
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 18-10-2024 19:07
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MACX
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MACX%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MACX
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MACX%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MACXC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MACXC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MACX
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MACX%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 13:05
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: MAC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'MAC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:00
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:00
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: de
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'de%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: de
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'de%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: der
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'der%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:02
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Derudas Bruno
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Derudas Bruno%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:03
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:03
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: de
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'de%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 15:03
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Derudas Bruno
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Derudas Bruno%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 16:00
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: PO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'PO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 16:12
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddighe Paolo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddighe Paolo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 16:13
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ze
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ze%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: z
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'z%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 22-10-2024 18:32
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: r
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ron
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ron%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ronc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ronc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:08
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANT
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI AD
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI AD%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI ADA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI ADA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI ADAM
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI ADAM%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: B
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:09
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BALLANTI ADAM
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BALLANTI ADAM%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:37
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 13:37
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: de
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'de%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:41
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddighe Paolo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddighe Paolo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Derudas Bruno
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Derudas Bruno%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pais Chiara
Papadimatos Gerasimos
Papadimatos Gerasimos
Peddio Alessandro
Pennestri' Fausto
Pennestri' Fausto
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Podda Susanna
Podda Susanna
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Pod
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pod%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Podda Susanna
Podda Susanna
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Podd
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Podd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Podda Susanna
Podda Susanna
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddig
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddig%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddigh
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddigh%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddighe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddighe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Pais Chiara
Papadimatos Gerasimos
Papadimatos Gerasimos
Peddio Alessandro
Pennestri' Fausto
Pennestri' Fausto
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: po
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Podda Susanna
Podda Susanna
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Giulia
Poddighe Paolo
Poddighe Salvatore
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 23-10-2024 17:24
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 07:39
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: E
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'E%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Elia Arturo Salvatore
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 07:48
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: P
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Poddighe Paolo
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 09:22
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Poddighe Paolo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Poddighe Paolo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 09:22
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: Derudas Bruno
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'Derudas Bruno%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 09:23
Input to process - c: 7X1EdiHL2k
Input to process - sstring: de
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7X1EdiHL2k' AND Cognome LIKE 'de%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Derudas Bruno
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 24-10-2024 21:21
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 25-10-2024 12:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: p
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-10-2024 12:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 25-10-2024 12:45
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: pinn
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'pinn%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:50
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: rom
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'rom%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 28-10-2024 14:51
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: fur
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'fur%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 17:07
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 17:07
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ba
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ba%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 17:07
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 17:07
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: barr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'barr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 18:48
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ste
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ste%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 18:48
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: stel
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'stel%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 29-10-2024 18:48
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: stell
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'stell%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: s
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 's%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: sa
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'sa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:52
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: san
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'san%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bi
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:53
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bia
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bia%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: bian
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'bian%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: car
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'car%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:54
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: carn
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'carn%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 31-10-2024 19:55
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: cro
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'cro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-11-2024 18:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 02-11-2024 18:40
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: mar
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: marc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'marc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: marco
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'marco%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: marc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'marc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: da
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: da
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: dal
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'dal%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: dall
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'dall%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:30
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: dalla
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'dalla%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: MA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'MA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: M
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: DA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'DA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: DA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'DA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: DAL
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'DAL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: DA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'DA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: S
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: ST
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'ST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 03-11-2024 18:50
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: STE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'STE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: t
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 't%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: te
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'te%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: test
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'test%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: tes
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'tes%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: t
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 't%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: s
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 's%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: st
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'st%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: ste
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'ste%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
stella alessandro
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: da
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: dal
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'dal%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 09:56
Input to process - c: 3VywePczpV
Input to process - sstring: dall
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='3VywePczpV' AND Cognome LIKE 'dall%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
dalla libera marco
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: L
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LOR
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LOR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:42
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 04-11-2024 16:43
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: DI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'DI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: AS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'AS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ASC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ASC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ASCA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ASCA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ASC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ASC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: AS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'AS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned no results
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d'ascani
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd'ascani%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:38
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'AS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'AS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASCA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASCA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASCAN
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASCAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASCANI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASCANI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'A
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'A%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'AS
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'AS%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASC
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASC%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASCA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASCA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D'ASCANI
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D'ASCANI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-11-2024 17:39
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: D
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Query returned results, processing:
Process terminated.
Log file closed correctly
Autocomplete server executed on 07-11-2024 08:41
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fer
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fer%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:33
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: o
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'o%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ot
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ot%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ott
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ott%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ottoni
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ottoni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: otton
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'otton%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: otto
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'otto%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 08:34
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: o
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'o%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fer
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fer%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferre
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferre%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferret
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferret%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti liu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti liu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti liuc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti liuc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 17-12-2024 11:30
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti liuca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti liuca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferre
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferre%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferrett
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferrett%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti lu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti lu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti luc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti luc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti luca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti luca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 10:10
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: FERRETTI ROBERTO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'FERRETTI ROBERTO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 14:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 14:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 14:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti liuca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti liuca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 19-12-2024 14:40
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti luca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti luca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: le
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'le%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: leo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'leo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: leon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'leon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: leone
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'leone%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 20-12-2024 16:50
Input to process - c: gIMQ3g39i1
Input to process - sstring: leone
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='gIMQ3g39i1' AND Cognome LIKE 'leone%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: loren
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'loren%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORENZON SOFIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORENZON SOFIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: loren
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'loren%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: LORENZON SOFIA
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'LORENZON SOFIA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: l
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'l%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lor
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: loren
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'loren%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenz
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: do
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: d
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: ma
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: m
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: loren
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'loren%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 26-12-2024 09:16
Input to process - c: govOnR185J
Input to process - sstring: lorenzon
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='govOnR185J' AND Cognome LIKE 'lorenzon%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 27-12-2024 07:59
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: c
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 27-12-2024 07:59
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: co
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'co%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 27-12-2024 07:59
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: con
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'con%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 27-12-2024 07:59
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: cont
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'cont%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 27-12-2024 07:59
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: CONTI RICCARDO
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CONTI RICCARDO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 30-12-2024 10:56
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: b
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 30-12-2024 10:56
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: bo
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 30-12-2024 10:56
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: BORRELLI SIMONE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'BORRELLI SIMONE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 07-01-2025 12:13
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 07-01-2025 12:13
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 07-01-2025 12:13
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti liuca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti liuca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 07-01-2025 12:13
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferreti luca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferreti luca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2025 18:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: o
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'o%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2025 18:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ot
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ot%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2025 18:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ott
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ott%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2025 18:15
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: OTTONI CESARE
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'OTTONI CESARE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: f
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: fe
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferr
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferre
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferre%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferrett
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferrett%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti lu
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti lu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti luc
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti luc%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2025 17:41
Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E
Input to process - sstring: ferretti luca
Input to process - m: 1
Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ferretti luca%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 11:12
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 11:29
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 13:31
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 15:11
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 17:39
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m:
Autocomplete server executed on 06-03-2025 20:40
Input to process - c:
Input to process - sstring:
Input to process - m: